Investment Planning

We will prepare a portfolio analysis of your current investment assets to include:

  • Portfolio allocation based on asset classes:
    (Cash and Short-Term, Investment-Grade, High-Yield, Large-Cap Domestic,
    Small-/Mid-Cap Domestic, International, and Emerging Markets)
  • Yield and hypothetical total return projections
  • Tax and marketplace considerations

Develop an Investment Policy Statement based on your:

  • Short-term needs and commitments
  • Long-term accumulation objectives
  • Investment risk tolerance
  • Investment philosophy
  • Current and projected tax situation

Design an individualized portfolio strategy that:

  • Identifies and compares the range of investment alternatives available to you based on your asset allocation model and Investment Policy Statement
  • Projects hypothetical rates of return based on historical industry performances
  • Projects before-tax and after-tax cash flow based on current market conditions